Landslide prevention, the importance of minerals for mobile phones, mathematical programming model for mine planning and the use of geological materials to solve crime are some of the topics that were addressed during the event “Cocktail de Ciências” organised by Mining and Georesources scientific area. This event had a very successful pilot edition during the Science and Technology Week, which paved the way to this first edition.
The activities took place during this week and will end tomorrow, February 9. According to professor Teresa Carvalho, these activities “aim to bring together geology, physics, chemistry and mathematics”.
One of the most popular activities to do is the resolution of a crime through the analysis of geological materials. Vanessa Borrego, Catarina Pereira and Vladysla Mikytiv, students from Escola Alfredo dos Reis Silveira, try to solve the mystery before their colleagues, with the help of a microscope. “In my opinion, this was the funniest activity but, in general, I am having a great time”, says Vanessa. “This event is fun. Being here is more interesting than being in class”, she adds. “Although this was the first edition and it went very well, we want to improve”, concluded professor Teresa Carvalho.