Campus and Community

A Summer Academy focused on Science

Exploring and promoting multidisciplinary learning in a fun and dynamic way is the main goal of this initiative.

The summer academy “Academia de Verão de Aprendizagem e Olimpíadas Científicas”, will run this week and will bring together around 30 students from 10 to 17 years old. On July 13, professor Luís Oliveira e Silva will give a lecture on lasers and will clarify any doubt “however strange it may sound” from these young pupils.

Everyone likes science, even those who don’t know much “about this world” yet, such as Manuel Ferreira. He is 10 years old and he knows “nearly nothing” about physics, but he was always very interested in hearing about the work developed by the Group of Lasers and Plasmas at Instituto Superior Técnico. “I have learnt so much these days”, he says. He liked so much being here that “maybe when I grow up I will work with these physicists”, he says. “It was a really good week. I want to come back next year”.

This summer academy is organised by TreeTree2 group, which is mainly composed of scientists and engineers. According to engineer João Rico, from the organisation team, the goal is “to help young people develop their skills in these areas of knowledge”. The event included activities related to Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Biology. Other activities such as lectures given by renowned experts on these topics and preparation of training modules for science olympics will take place until Saturday, July 15.

This was the first edition but according to engineer João Rico another ones will come: “The next edition will be extended to a lot more students”. “We invited students who show interest in science” for this edition, explains João Rico. All participants were clearly interested and motivated: “This academy will end soon, so let’s make the most of it”, says Bernardo Lopes, one of the participants, during the lecture by professor Luís Oliveira e Silva.