The Association for the Development of IST (ADIST) will organise the 7th study visit of the CRE:HUB Project financed by the Interreg Europe Program “CRE:HUB “Policies for cultural CREative industries: the HUB for innovative regional development ( on 3rd and 4th July, in Lisbon.
Catarina Vaz Pinto, Councillor for Culture at Lisbon City Hall, Luís Caldas de Oliveira, Vice-president for Entrepreneurship at IST and Bernardo Gaeiras, Executive Director of FABLAB Lisbon and Mouraria Creative HUB, will attend the launching ceremony, to be held next Tuesday, July 3, at Lisbon City Hall (Salão Nobre).
During two days, representatives from eight European countries that are members of the consortium will visit Start Up Lisboa, Village Underground, Impact Hub, Lx Factory and “Todos” Creative Hub.
A Barcamp at Lisbon Oceanarium will take place at the end of the study visit to debate creativity with impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set by the United Nations (UN).
This study visit aims to present the action plan that will improve the public policies in this sector, to be implemented in the 2nd phase of the project (2018/2020).