Campus and Community

Designing the future of civil engineering

The emerging issues in civil engineering were addressed in different perspectives during the 6th edition of Civil Engineering Seminar Series.

Academic knowledge and the labour market go hand in hand at the 6th edition of Civil Engineering Seminar Series, which run this week, until March 2. The event brought together professors, entrepreneurs, alumni and students who highlighted the importance of civil engineering and its growth in the coming years.

A set of conferences, several discussion panels, an exhibition, technical visits to works under construction and daily workshops were part of this event organised by Fórum Civil, the Civil Engineering Student Group at Técnico.

According to Raquel Carvalho, president of Fórum Civil, “civil engineering students don’t usually participate in such events, so we have to make these seminar series interesting”. “However, we have noticed that younger students, who arrived at Técnico this year, are more engaged”, she says.

Professor António Gago moderated the panel “Meet the bosses”, composed of professors Alexandre Pinto, João Levy and José da Câmara, entrepreneurs and Alexandre Pinto, a Técnico alumnus and manager of a civil engineering company. A wide range of topics were addressed such as the training at Técnico, the quality of Portuguese engineers, the full employment that these students will find when they enter the labour market and the corporatism that should guide the professionals of this area. “I would like to share with you the importance of being an engineer graduated at Técnico”, said Alexandre Pinto. “There will be full employment for civil engineers when you leave Técnico” said professor José da Câmara.

The organisation will prepare two events on the last day: a competition where teams will have to build a prototype according to some instructions, showing all their skills and expertise and a lecture on Mexico Grand Canal, delivered by engineer Fernando Roseira, director at Mota-Engil Group, which, according to Raquel Carvalho, “will be very interesting and it will be a great way of closing this event”.