This Tuesday, the Technology Transfer office at Instituto Superior Técnico organised a doubt clearing session on TecInnov to potential candidates. MSc and PhD students, as well as alumni attended the session and clarified their doubts.
According to professor Luís Caldas de Oliveira, Vice-president of Técnico for Entrepreneurship and Corporate Relations, this competition “aims to align the research at Técnico with Thales’ interests, which is why this competion has the support of Thales Group”. The setting-up of teams, the competition schedule, the submission of applications were some of the topics approached.
The maximum support to each project is €5.000 and the target audience are teams composed primarily of members from IST academic community. Topics should be related to decision support, big data (namely Transport), user interface (collection and distribution of information), etc. The deadline to apply is April 21st and the next edition is expected for October.