A 3 month-training course, aimed at girls from 15-21 years old, will take place on March 2022, following the partnership between Instituto Superior Técnico and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, under the “Heroic Journeys” project.
Active female participation is expected in both countries, Brazil and Portugal. The Heroines’ Learning Journey focuses on the empowerment of young female students, their abilities and their motivation to choose a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields.
In the first stage, the Heroine’s Learning Journey will be a precious guide for motivation and overcoming goals in the Machine Learning, Maths & Ethics online course that will soon be available on Técnico MOOC platform.
The course is offered free of charge for female students from 15-21 years old. At the end, a certificate will be delivered to the graduates who complete the course with a good score.
More information about the application process will be available soon.