Campus and Community

IST Press published the book “A Última Aula”‚ by Fernando Branco

IST Press published the book “A Última Aula. 50 Anos a Resolver Problemas de Engenharia” (“The Last Lecture – 50 years solving engineering problems), by Fernando Branco.

Over the last 50 years, there has been a significant modernisation of infrastructure in Portugal, which has been associated with a great evolution in engineering education. The author presents a short history of this evolution, focusing on the great civil engineering projects and the teaching reforms that he was part of.

The book includes the description of several real events, unknown to the public, which allow a better understanding of how this evolution actually took place.

The book is available at IST Press online store and soon at bookstores: Almedina, Bertrand, Fnac, Wook, etc.