This year, JUNITEC was once again among the winners of the JEE Excellence Awards and became the Most Promising Junior Enterprise in Europe. This is JUNITEC’s second international award – last year the team won “The Most Entrepreneurial Junior Enterprise in Europe” award. This time, the JUNITEC team won the JEE Excellence Awards that reward European Junior Enterprises for their work over the past year and that simultaneously presents a greater potential for future growth. The victory was announced at the Winter Conference 2021, held last weekend.
“Throughout our activity, and more specifically over the past year, the team has been very motivated and focused on its mission. The high performance of our team reflects our commitment, the team alignment and our responsibilities” says the president of JUNITEC João Alves.
JUNITEC – also finalist in the “The Most Entrepreneurial Junior Enterprise” category – became the winning team after the pitch competition. The team focused “essentially on presenting JUNITEC’s strong growth in recent years, as well as its strategy for robustness that will guarantee its continuing success in the future”, recalls João Alves. The Técnico team competed with the Junior Enterprise Milano Politecnico (JEMP) in the final pitch. “This year the competition was quite intense, with several Junior Enterprises competing for the award”, says the Técnico student.
According to João Alves, “JUNITEC stood out due to its unparalleled exponential growth in a wide range of areas: the increasing number of consultancy projects, the development of our accelerator programme, the growth of TecStorm and the structuring of JUNITEC internal activities”.
This award ends up being “an additional motivation for JUNITEC team members, who are already motivated people by nature and have an entrepreneurial spirit”, and “are committed to excellence”, says João Alves.
A “memorable” weekend
Last weekend – 27th, 28th and 29th February – was marked by other moments of happiness. In addition to this award and another successful edition of TecStorm, JUNITEC is finalist in 4 jeniAL Awards 2021 – the Portuguese Junior Movement – in the following categories: “Project of the Year”, “Junior Company More Socially Responsible”, “Junior Company Most Innovative” and “Junior Company of the Year”.
JUNITEC is the Most Innovative Junior Enterprise at national level and has won the award the last two years.