Campus and Community

National meeting of Materials Engineering students

The meeting takes place on 8th and 9th November.

The national meeting of Materials Engineering students started this Monday, November 8, at Técnico – Alameda campus (Abreu Faro amphitheatre). The opening session was attended by the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, professor Manuel Heitor, the President of Técnico, professor Rogério Colaço and the President of Ordem dos Engenheiros -Southern Region, engineer Luís Machado.

The President of Técnico, professor Rogério Colaço, recalled “the first meetings of Materials Engineering students started in 1993, at Técnico, and served as the basis for training one of the first student groups at Técnico, the Materials Engineering Student Group – NEMAT”.

“Ordem dos Engenheiros is always very interested in collaborating with Universities”, said engineer Luís Machado, who also informed students that they can register in Ordem dos Engenheiros, even though they aren’t graduated yet.

The Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, professor Manuel Heitor, pointed out the gender differences between the audience, mostly female, and the meeting’s panel, exclusively male. Professor Manuel Heitor highlighted “the growing importance of materials in the decade that we are starting”, referring to COP26 and the European Climate Law. In this regard, the Minister said “we need to make the transition to a zero-waste circular economy”. “Materials Science is becoming increasingly important in Europe and in the world”, he added.

Professor Manuel Heitor also addressed the issue of mobility electrification, the use of hydrogen and space systems, such as miniaturized satellites for Earth observation, as the most promising fields for the future. “You are the generation that will drive the energy transition forward”, said the Minister at the end of his speech.