Campus and Community

National Meeting of Physics students

Técnico hosted the 21st National Meeting of Physics students that gathered more than 180 participants.

The largest national event addressed to Physics and Engineering Physics students took place at Técnico from 28th February to 3rd March and brought together more than 180 students from different parts of the country. The event lasted 4 days and included scientific lectures, debates, visits to laboratories and museums, workshops, competitions and many other activities.

The National Meeting of Physics Students (ENEF) is organised annually since 1998 and aims to bring together students and experts to discuss the current topics of Physics and to share experiences and scientific work. This 21st meeting was organised by the Portuguese Association of Physics Students (Physis) in collaboration with NFIST. Daniele Steer, professor and researcher at Paris Diderot university, and Ceri Brenner, researcher at STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, attended the event.

The Business Talks allowed the participants to know more about the academic and professional journey of former physics students who are currently working in renowned companies. Roy Cecil and Frederico Muñoz gave a workshop about the work developed at IBM. “We want to show you the work developed at IBM”, said Frederico Munõz, who also stressed: “IBM Research Quantum Labs are a reference worldwide”. “Shaping the future is something that governs our daily work”, he added. Roy Cecil talked about artificial intelligence and its importance.

ENEF organised several social activities that promoted students interaction.