Professor Pedro Amaral is the new vice-president for Operations and Corporate Partnerships and professor Miguel Amado is the new vice-president for Facilities and Equipment. The ceremony took place today, 10th September, at Alameda campus and was attended by the president of Técnico, professor Rogério Colaço, and by representatives of the school’s management bodies.
Pedro Amaral, professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM), was already part of the Governing Board as vice-president for Facilities and Equipment. “I am very pleased to accept this challenge set by professor Rogério Colaço to continue representing Técnico in such an important area, which has a great scientific and technological impact in Técnico community”, says professor Pedro Amaral. “Some of the main projects for the coming years will be the implementation of a strategy to improve corporate relations and everything it represents from the point of view of socioeconomic sustainability, at national and international level, combined with the need to effectively implement a set of operations to support the school”, he adds.
Miguel Amado, professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources, succeeds professor Pedro Amaral. “It is with a deep sense of responsibility that I am part of this team”, says professor Miguel Amado. “We will focus our work on the gradual improvement of working and study conditions at Técnico, and the modernization and evolution of IST campuses”.