The Novabase Merit Award in Software Engineering requires talent, resilience, working method, team effort and a passion for technology. The 3 selected teams composed of Técnico students enrolled in Software Engineering curricular unit, presented a final pitch this Monday, 8th July.
Rui Maranhão, professor of Software Engineering curricular unit, and Novabase representatives Susete Mendes, Sara Baptista, Paulo Ferro and Pedro Crespo, were the jury members.
Developing an application that allows to acquire and plan adventures in the most varied destinations, compiling and giving answers to the needs of potential customers, was the challenge posed by Novabase. “Broker”, “TravelHub” and “Adventure Builder” were the projects presented.
“This was unlike anything that we’d done before. We had the opportunity to learn and develop new knowledge”, stressed Gonçalo Moita. The students were pleased with the opportunity of working as a team and for “being able” of developing the projects.
“Travel Hub” was the winning project. “I think you did a great job. “Travel Hub” is an entrepreneurial project and has a lot of value”, said Paulo Ferro, who also explained “your project stood out because it had less bugs than the other projects and your pitch was great”. The students Pedro Custódio, Pedro Bernardo and Francisco Matos, members of the winning project, won a monetary prize amounting to €1,250.