Campus and Community

Ordem dos Engenheiros honours Técnico professor

Rita Bento was distinguished for her professional career and the prestige she brought to Engineering.

The Board of Directors of Ordem dos Engenheiros – Região Sul honoured the Técnico professor Rita Bento, on the celebrations of the Dia Regional do Engenheiro 2023.

Rita Bento, Portugal’s first female Full Professor of Structural Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico was distinguished for her professional career and the prestige she brought to Engineering, in a solemn session held on May 23, in Santarém. The ceremony was chaired by the President of the Ordem dos Engenheiros, Fernando de Almeida Santos.

In her speech, the Técnico professor expressed her “gratitude” for being able “to develop a professional life as an engineer, doing engineering, training engineers”. “I am grateful for all the moments I spent at Técnico and all the opportunities I had, which can only happen in a great school”, she added.