Campus and Community

PRODIGI project’s online digital skills training classes start in March

Applications for the joint training programme of Universidade de Lisboa and Politécnico de Lisboa are open.

Applications for PRODIGI: Towards the Future – Programming, Information and Digital Citizenship are open. It is a new free online training programme in digital skills. The programme, which includes the participation of Técnico professors, aims primarily at people with basic training in non-Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) fields, such as humanities, social sciences and health. Professionals with training in these areas who wish to teach in primary and secondary schools in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can also attend the training programme.

The programme’s format will be based on MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which will allow trainees to organise their learning according to their schedule. Participating in face-to-face practical classes will also be an option, and it is also possible to choose between attending individual modules or the entire programme.
Trainees can choose between individual modules, according to their interests and previous training, in a logic of micro-credentials, or go through the entire programme, ensuring robust training in digital skills. Certification will refer to the ECTS obtained.

The course includes 22 modules in Computational Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, Systems and Security, Software Engineering, User Experience, and Ethics and Didactics of Computer Science. It will end with an integrative project. The teaching staff is made up of professors at ULisboa (Instituto Superior Técnico, Instituto de Educação and Faculty of Sciences) and Politécnico de Lisboa (Lisbon School of Engineering and Lisbon School of Education). The scientific coordination is the responsibility of professors and researchers Cláudia Antunes (Técnico), Isabel Nunes (ULisboa/FC), João Piedade (ULisboa/IE), Cátia Vaz (IPL/ISEL) and Cátia Rijo (IPL/ESELx).

The Técnico professors Cláudia Antunes, Daniel Gonçalves, Helena Sofia Pinto, Miguel Pardal, Ricardo Chaves are part of the PRODIGI teaching staff.

PRODIGI is funded by the “Strengthening Digital Skills” programme, More Digital Impulse, under the RRP – Recovery and Resilience Plan.

More information and applications.