Campus and Community

Seminar on “Innovation and Research in a Changing Society” to celebrate CESUR’s 40th anniversary

CESUR – Center for Urban and Regional Systems at Instituto Superior Técnico, which is now part of CERIS – Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability, celebrated last Friday its 40th anniversary, with a solemn ceremony and an international seminar on the topic “Research in a Changing Society”.

At the opening ceremony, professor Arlindo Oliveira, president of Técnico, noted that CESUR “is one of the most important research centres in the area of urban systems” and “has a long history”. “Most of the contributions Técnico has made to society were done through CESUR.”

“This is a very important area for Técnico, we believe that the cities are key to the development of societies. Throughout the years CESUR played a very important role and will certainly continue to do so.”

The president of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georresources (DECivil), professor Fernando Nunes da Silva, also attended the event, noting that CESUR had in its origins the concern of joining several areas in the same research centre. “Organising this international seminar is a good way to promote CESUR worldwide and to celebrate its 40th anniversary.”

Professor Isabel Ribeiro, member of the Board of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) also left a message to the audience: “Forty years is a milestone worth celebrating”. “In 40 years much has changed, but CESUR and its vision remained the same.”

Professor Rosário Macário, coordinator of CESUR and professor Luís Valadares Tavares, founder of the research centre, also attended and participated in the event. The seminar on “Innovation and Research in a Changing Society” was held during the afternoon and was attended by professors from all over Europe.