The Graduation Day – Alameda Campus took place this Saturday, May 21, at Salão Nobre.
According to professor Arlindo Oilveira, president of Técnico, who attended the ceremony “investing on Higher Education is one of the most sustainable investment for young people”. The professor took the opportunity to thank the families for all the support given to students during their stay at Técnico.
Engineer João Paulo Girbal, Técnico alumnus and president of Centromarca, also attended the ceremony and shared his experience with the audience saying that “behind the darkest clouds, the sun still shines – and it will certainly shine in your future”.
Engineer Paulo Quental, another Técnico alumnus and currently working at the Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN), also attended the ceremony and left a message. “We are in the best school of the country because we are the best in the country”.
The alumnus also noted the importance of contact networks that are created during the academic years: “I want to thank all of you, my colleagues and friends – without you I wouldn’t be the engineer that I am today, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today and Técnico wouldn’t be the school that it is today”.
The Rector of Universidade de Lisboa, professor António Cruz Serra, closed the session. “Congratulations to all: you are the reason for the existence of Técnico and the University. (…) I hope that you can change our country and that it will be better in the future. Take a risk.”, he said.
“Study at Técnico was the right thing to do”, he concluded.
The Graduation Day at Taguspark campus was held on May 14 and was also attended by the president of Técnico and the Vice President for the management of Taguspark campus, Professor Luís M. Correia.