The European Heritage Days (JEP) 2018 was celebrated at Técnico last Friday, September 28. “Sharing Memories” was the motto chosen by the European Council and the European Commission for this year’s edition. In order to celebrate this international event, the educational services at Técnico museums organised a set of activities at the Civil Engineering museum.
The exhibition “Desenho técnico no Técnico 1911-2018” at the Civil Engineering building museum was one of the highlights during the celebrations of the European Heritage Days. “This exhibition has great symbolic importance for our school, so we consider that it fits in these celebrations”, says Natália Rocha, coordinator of the educational services at Técnico museums. Guided tours organised by professor Nuno Matos and architect Duarte Marques Nunes took place during the day, as well as a lecture titled: “Desenho Assistido por Computador: Do desenho em papel à realidade virtual, passando pelo CAD 2D e modelação 3D” by professor João Pereira Dias. “Several people attended the activities held during the day and we managed to bring new public to the museum”, stressed Natália Rocha.
JEP took place from 28th to 30th September and 1200 activities were organised by 800 public and private organisations.