“We are very pleased to host this meeting”, said professor Arlindo Oliveira, president of Instituto Superior Técnico, in the opening session of the general assembly of T.I.M.E. Association – Top Industrial Managers Europe. The president of Técnico expressed his satisfaction for the success of IST International Day, held on October 11, which involved a lot of national and international participants. Técnico welcomes students and knowledge exchange “because one of our goals is to create and provide great experiences”.
Professor Gérard Degrez, president of T.I.M.E. Association spoke about the activities to be developed, the topics to be discussed and highlighted the importance of the network and its members.
The Vice-president for International Affairs at Técnico, professor Luís Miguel Silveira, spoke about the research and innovation carried out at Técnico, as well as the number of scientific articles published by Técnico faculty. “The awards received by Técnico researchers honour us very much”, said the professor.
The network strengthening and the delineation of new collaborative projects are some of the main goals of this meeting that lasts until tomorrow, October 13.