Campus and Community

Técnico professors nominated to new installation committees of Ordem dos Engenheiros

Fernando Lau and Hugo Plácido da Silva have been inducted to new engineering colleges of Ordem dos Engenheiros.

On February 8, two professors from Instituto Superior Técnico were inducted as members of the Installation Committees for the five new engineering colleges of Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE). Fernando Lau, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Hugo Plácido da Silva, from the Department of Bioengineering, were inducted as members of the College of  Aeronautics and Space Engineering and College of Biomedical Engineering, respectively.

Additionally, four Técnico alumni were also inducted. Hugo Rolim (Master’s Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management), Jorge Rocha (Master’s Programme in Mechanical Engineering) and Leonel Nunes (Master’s Programme in Hydraulics and Water Resources) were inducted as members of the College of Industrial Engineering and Management. António Oliveira, who completed his Undergraduate Programme in Chemical Engineering at Técnico and PhD Programme in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies, a joint initiative of Universidade de Lisboa and NOVA School of Science and Technology, was inducted as a member of the College of Safety and Quality Engineering.

Furthermore, the OE recognised the College of Food Engineering.

Técnico congratulates the new Installation Committees and their newly-inducted members.