Maria Isabel Prudêncio, coordinator researcher at Técnico and head of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering (DECN), was recently elected member of the Board of Directors of the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN).
The Técnico researcher feels “very honoured and grateful for being elected a member of the Board of Directors of ENEN and to officially represent Técnico”. “My candidacy was supported by DECN members and by the president of Técnico. I was selected by ENEN General Assembly, together with colleagues from France, Belgium, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Finland”, shares the researcher.
The mission of ENEN is the preservation and the further development of expertise in the nuclear fields by higher Education and Training. This objective should be realized through the co-operation between universities, research organisations, regulatory bodies, the industry and any other organisations involved in the application of nuclear science and ionising radiation. Técnico has been a member of this network since 2018. “The nuclear science community recognised the work that DECN/IST has been doing for decades”, highlights the president of the DECN.
As a member of the Board of Directors, the Técnico researcher intends to promote the nuclear science and to propose the acession of new members to ENEN’s General – academia, industry, business, etc. During her mandate, the researcher aims to: “enhance synergies in order to prepare new training actions, as well as European and international projects, through the cooperation between members. Cooperation with universities, research institutions, regulatory bodies, industry and other organisations involved in nuclear sciences and ionizing radiation is also planned”. “I am of course also thinking of increasing the visibility of Técnico in this field”, she stresses.
According to Maria Isabel Prudêncio: “The preservation and the growth of knowledge in the area of nuclear sciences in Portugal is a crucial elemento. Our country continues to have a relevant role in the EU initiatives on nuclear science and technology”. “Portugal may be strengthened, given its pivotal role in the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP)”, highlights the Técnico researcher.