Campus and Community

Técnico researcher selected by the Lisbon Academy of Sciences to join the Young Scientists Seminar

Marija Vranic, researcher at the Group of Lasers and Plasmas, Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (GoLP-IPFN), was selected to join the Young Scientists Seminar in the field of Sciences.

Marija Vranic, researcher at the Group of Lasers and Plasmas, Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (GoLP-IPFN) was selected by the Lisbon Academy of Sciences to join the Young Scientists Seminar (SJC), in the field of Sciences.

The GoLP researcher says “this is a very important recognition and got me surprised. I didn’t know I had been nominated until I heard I had been selected”. “The Academy of Sciences is an essential pillar of the academic community, and has a tradition of more than two centuries. The Academy walls tell stories and I hope to create some new ones”, she adds.

The Técnico researcher is part of a group of 20 selected young scientists – Sciences (10), and Letters and Humanities (10). The new members were chosen from the proposals of academics of both Classes, in different areas of knowledge, namely Bioethics, Physics, Geology, Biology, Philosophy or Literary Studies.

According to Marija Vranic, “this is a very important opportunity to share my ideas with those who have the power to make a difference in the development of Science in Portugal”. The GoLP researcher stresses “research has changed a lot over the past few decades” and although improvements were made, “there are still difficulties and reasons for concern, especially among young scientists”. “I think it is important that our point of view is heard and the Lisbon Academy of Sciences showed support in this regard by creating the Young Scientists Seminar”.

The young scientists, aged 30-40, who are part of the SJC “must have an academic and professional curriculum with highest distinction, preferably recognised internationally”.

The SJC is part of the Institute of High Studies of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences and aims to maintain a link between the Academy and young scientists of exceptional merit in order to stimulate the discussion of socially and scientifically relevant issues through the implementation of activities, such as conferences, colloquia, etc.

At the end of three years, the selected young scientists receive a praise certificate from the Institute of High Studies of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.

Marija Vranic won the IBM Scientific Award 2017 and the John Dawson Thesis prize for her doctoral thesis.