Campus and Community

Técnico team awarded by Celfocus/Novabase

The Celfocus/Novabase Merit Award in Software Engineering 2020/2021 was delivered last Friday, July 1, to the Técnico students André Nascimento, Duarte Bento and Susana Monteiro, for the “Quizzes Tutor” project, developed in the scope of Software Engineering curricular unit and coordinated by professors António Rito da Silva and João Ferreira (Department of Computer Science and Engineering). The award ceremony took place at Técnico – Alameda campus, in the Civil Engineering museum.

“I would like to thank Celfocus/Novabase for all the support”, said the President of Técnico, professor Rogério Colaço. “These awards really motivate our students. We truly value and appreciate this partnership with Celfocus/Novabase”, he added.

Engineer Álvaro Ferreira, Board Member at Novabase S.G.P.S, stressed ” Celfocus/Novabase is very pleased to collaborate with Técnico. Supporting such initiatives also helps us finding the best candidate to strengthen our team”.

At the end of the session, the Vice-president of Técnico for Operations and Corporate Partnerships, professor Pedro Amaral, thanked Celfocus/Novabase for this initiative and support.