Campus and Community

The Consortium of Engineering Schools promotes training at Academia do Arsenal

The Academia do Arsenal is the first project arising from the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Consortium of Engineering Schools and idD Portugal Defence.

In order to strenghten the link between universities, research centres and companies of the Portuguese Defence Industry, the Consortium of Engineering Schools (CES), which includes Técnico, and idD – Portugal Defence signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), on April 12th, aiming to reinforce the country’s strategic autonomy and to boost economic growth and exports.

The Academia do Arsenal is the first project arising from this MoU. It will involve the Arsenal do Alfeite and the Portuguese Naval Industries Association. A series of programmes will be developed aiming to qualify professionals, attract and retain senior staff, namely at undergraduate, master and doctoral levels, and promote maritime cluster growth by strengthening the link between industry and academia.

The Academia do Arsenal will serve the entire maritime cluster through the development of training and education programmes in the field of engineering, with a view to reinforcing knowledge and technical/scientific skills. The first courses will be launched in the 4th quarter of 2021.

According to professor João Falcão e Cunha, executive director of CES “the Academia do Arsenal will work as a platform to ensure a continued participation in technological and scientific development” and “in the qualification and valorisation of human resources of maritime cluster organisations”. “We expect to reinforce and consolidate knowledge, skills and experiences, as well as opportunities for postgraduate studies and research, also involving students and Alumni from schools participating in the CES and other schools with relevant experience”.

The parties involved in this MoU highlight “this protocol responds to the strategic plan for Arsenal do Alfeite, once it will help young engineers to develop their innovative, efficiency and high-tech skills, allowing them to be part of modernisation and maintenance projects with a view to creating a maritime cluster”.

Other initiatives are already foreseen within the scope of this MOU, namely the creation of an aviation academy soon.

Projects arising from this MOU will be coordinated by professor Virgílio Machado, director of FCT NOVA, representing the CES.