Campus and Community

“We celebrate students’ entrepreneurial spirit at Técnico”

Xpand IT, CardioID, Tradiio and Prodsmart are the new members of IST Spin-Off community, with over 50 companies.

The 8th meeting of IST Spin-Off community, held this Thursday, brought together technology based companies created by professors, researchers and students from Técnico and recognised “its impact on society”, as professor Luís Caldas de Oliveira, vice president of Técnico for Entrepreneurship and Corporate relations, explained.

“Eight years ago we had this idea of creating the community. We celebrate students’ entrepreneurial spirit at Técnico”, said the professor.

Gonçalo Fortes, founder of Prodsmart, thanked the opportunity to be at Técnico once again. “It’s always a pleasure to come back here. It’s good to be here to help you, but also to learn”, he said.

Rui Maia, from Xpand IT, said that he was “very honoured” to be part of this community. “We hope that this successful community will continue in the future.” Xpand IT is focused on information systems development, consulting and systems integration.

André Lourenço is co-founder of CardioID, a company aimed at research, development, commercialisation and consulting of solutions based in electrography and biosignals. “First of all, I would like to thank the support from Técnico”, he said. “Our goal is to create systems that use electrography to ease the interaction with the users”, he noted.

Filipa Marinho, the only speaker who did not studied at Técnico, presented the fourth company – Tradiio – a music platform that enables fans to support artists by subscribing to them in exchange for special content and exclusives. “It’s becoming clear to many people that this is the way to go. Many people want to support their favourite artists and be part of their careers”. “André Moniz is what we call a serial entrepreneur. He studied at Técnico and he is here to answer all your questions”, she said.

The president of Técnico, professor Arlindo Oliveira, closed the session. “It’s always a pleasure to be part of these sessions, where we celebrate the relationship between Técnico and the companies created by our former students”, he said.

“Thank you for reminding us of the importance of Técnico in your lives and in the creation of your companies.”