The welcome session took place this Friday, September 15 and brought together hundreds of students to hear the president of Técnico, professor Arlindo Oliveira, speak about “what will be your new home” for the next months/years.
“The best engineering school in Portugal and one of the best in the world, of an unparalleled culture and identity, which welcomes diversity and stimulates creativity” are the reasons why students chose Técnico, said the President of Técnico. During his speech, professor Arlindo Oliveira highlighted the facilities and the extracurricular activities that Técnico offers and pointed out “the diversity of useful and interesting things that you will learn here”. However, he recalled that these following years will be very demanding. But “your effort will be rewarded. Técnico will leave a mark on your lives as well as a unique capacity to work and think”, pointed out professor Arlindo Oliveira. “You will be the future makers”, he also declared.
The president of Técnico addressed the 550 international students who arrived at Técnico this week by saying “you will learn from the best here”, sometimes this might be “a hard process” but in the end “you will be very well succeeded”.
The session ended with a rousing applause and a group’s photo that will mark the end of a week and the beginning of a new step.