Advanced Computing for advancing Science & Engineering – Fostering European Sovereignty
The EuroCC is a project aiming to boost the knowledge of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and its opportunities to a common high level in Europe. The Portuguese National Competence Center (EuroCC Portugal), of which IST/ULisboa is a member, serves as a contact point in Portugal for the industry, science, HPC experts, and the general public.
One of the goals of EuroCC is to further develop HPC competencies in Portugal and to bring together the Advanced Computing community. To do so, we are starting a new program of IST Advanced Computing EuroCC Fellows, with the award of scholarships for graduate students who are conducting a MSc degree in any HPC-related/Advanced Computing topic, across all the scientific and technological areas.
For this purpose, in the academic year 2021-2022, we will offer up to 20 scholarships grants, each with a duration of 4 months. The research can be carried out in any second cycle of the IST degrees or in other institutions with a co-supervisor at IST (permanent faculty member at IST).
This program includes a two-day kick-off/warm-up session and a closing workshop involving all participants and taking place at Instituto Superior Técnico.
The program starts on the second semester of the academic year 2021/2022.
The main research topics of the MSc thesis work should be associated with High-Performance Computing, Advanced Computing, or connected topics covered by the EuroHPC initiative in its broadest sense. Thesis projects directly associated with HPC/Advanced Computing initiatives or projects in Portugal/Europe, or exploiting (or planning to use) HPC resources will be preferred.
Candidates from other higher education institutions will be considered, under equivalent conditions, subject to the existence of a co-supervisor permanent faculty member at IST.
Applications are open from the 3rd to the 24th of January 2022 (EOD).