
Portugal-Brazil PhD Fellowships: Applications are open until May 31st

Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) is pleased to announce a call for ten Portugal-Brazil PhD fellowships under the partnership protocol with PRISC – Portuguese Research Infrastructure of Scientific Collections, which brings together ULisboa, the University of Porto and the University of Coimbra through their museums and botanical gardens, in collaboration with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, through its National Museum, and the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

A call is open for 10 fellowships in 2024 in the following areas:

  • Museology, particularly in the areas of the intersection of art and science, specifically the development of innovative forms of science exhibition, education and communication;
  • Geodiversity, Palaeodiversity and Biodiversity, namely regarding the history of the Earth and its past and present biodiversity, with a keen focus on the valorisation of collections and associated scientific data;
  • History of Science, namely the contribution of museums, collections and artefacts to the development of natural history and science, with a strong (but not exclusive) focus on Central and South America.

ULisboa Notice | EURAXESS Notice

More information.