Science and Technology

Professor Vítor Cardoso receives a €5.3 million grant from the Villum Foundation

With the support of this grant, the Técnico professor will create and lead a research group in the field of gravitation at Niels Bohr Insitute.

Professor Vítor Cardoso, Head of IST Department of Physics (DF) and researcher at CENTRA – Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation, won a € 5.3 million grant from the Villum Foundation to create and lead a second research group at The Niels Bohr Institute. The Villum Investigator Grants are awarded every year to experienced and internationally recognised researchers with potential to make a significant contribution to research in the technical and natural sciences at a Danish university.

“This project, at Niels Bohr Institute, is more than twice two ERCs [European Research Council grants]. The project and investment are important for gravitation because they will attract the best international talent for this extremely active area that has tremendous discovery potential”, stresses the CENTRA researcher.

According to the Physicist this grant “is a unique opportunity to continue to do cutting edge science, and to create a broader network of researchers in gravitation”. “The Villum project gives researchers freedom to carry out leading research and generate important and groundbreaking knowledge that benefits both research and society and only requires us to do our best and attract the best around us”, he stresses. complete

This grant challenges professor Vítor Cardoso “to influence the Danish society, by training young students and raising public awareness of science and its remarkable achievements”. “Técnico has some of the best talent in the world: students and researchers. We will create partnerships, promote researcher exchanges, etc. It’s a wonderful new world”, says, professor Vítor Cardoso.

“Vitor Cardoso will provide a strong boost for The Niels Bohr Institute to become a primary venue for gravitational physics in Europe”

A statement from The Niels Bohr Institute highlights “Vitor Cardoso has built a world-renowned group in Portugal”. “With the support of the Villum Investigator Grant, Vitor Cardoso will provide a strong boost for The Niels Bohr Institute to become a primary venue for gravitational physics in Europe”, the statement says.

The ten Investigators have been selected from 72 candidates according to international practice with an assessment of the applications by Villum Fonden’s working group, an assessment by three independent peers, and a final selection by the foundation’s board.

On 27 April 2021, the Villum Investigators will be celebrated at a ceremony at the VILLUM Window Collection in Søborg, which will be attended by the Minister of Higher Education and Science, Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen.

Professor Vítor Cardoso obtained his PhD in Physics from Instituto Superior Técnico in 2003. He held postdoctoral positions at the University of Mississippi and the University of Washington, St. Louis. In 2010, he returned to Técnico and became an Assistant professor at the DF. Still in 2010, he received his first ERC Grant of one million euros. In 2015, he received an ERC Consolidator Grant of 1.5 million euro.

Over the years he has also received several research grants from prestigious institutions, including Perimeter Institute, CERN, and Waseda Institute for Advanced Studies. He was visiting professor at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), in Brazil, and “Van der Waals Professor” at the University of Amsterdam. He is the founder and currentl Head of the GRITgroup at CENTRA.

He is the Head of IST Department of Physics (since January 2021), and Chair of GWverse.

His research interests focus on gravitation, in particular gravitational waves and black holes. He is the author of a book and he has published about 220 articles in international magazines.

In 2018, professor Vítor Cardoso received the “IST Outstanding Teaching Award”.