Professors and researchers (with a PhD) at Instituto Superior Técnico are eligible to request high-performance computational resources through the “HPCvLAB” programme, the HPC virtual Laboratory of the Rede Nacional de Computação Avançada (RNCA).
The main objectives of the HPCvLAB programme are to support new users without previous HPC experience and to give access to HPC resources to supervisors of MSc and PhD students and/or courses. Users with previous experience in high-performance computing are encouraged to apply for the RNCA’s national calls.
This pilot project relies on resources from five competence centres in Lisbon (at Instituto Superior Técnico), Vila Real, Aveiro, Covilhã and Faro. Interested parties should contact one of these centres and request free access to HPC resources. This initiative is in line with the RNCA mission and the EuroCC2 project, of which Técnico is also a partner, which aims to boost knowledge in the field of HPC in Europe.
The information on resources for advanced computing is also available online at Técnico website and will be updated as new resources are made available to the Community.