From 5th to 8th February, Técnico hosted the annual meeting of EURADOS, the biggest dosimetry association in Europe. Several collaborators from CTN –Técnico cooperate with this association, through joint projects and bilateral collaborations. “Some thematic meetings had already been organised in Lisbon. This time EURADOS held its annual meeting due to the close collaboration with Técnico and CTN”, says professor Pedro Teles, from the organising team.
The working groups and joint activities were divided into different areas of knowledge, such as physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, medicine, space technologies and materials technology. At the end, a debate of ideas also took place among the participants.
The last day of the meeting was dedicated to EURADOS Winter School, aimed at students and young researchers who want to know more about the specific areas of dosimetry. “This year, the Winter School focused on the application of physical and computational phantoms in dose assessment, which are reliable representations of the human body that allow to study the effect of radiation without harming anyone”, explains professor Pedro Teles. European, US and Korean experts attended the event and addressed several topics that range from medical dosimetry to radioecology.
About 300 participants from all over Europe usually attend this event, but this year this number has largely been surpassed. “Since its creation, in 2020, the number of participants in EURADOS annual meetings have been increasing”, highlights professor Pedro Teles.
Recalling that “nowadays science can’t be developed individually by each country”, professor Pedro Teles points out that “through the combined efforts of each member [of Eurados], a network of collaborations was possible to create as never before in the field of dosimetry”. Therefore, hosting this meeting “brings not only a worldwide global visibility to Técnico, but also allows Portuguese researchers to interact with the best experts in this area”, says the professor.