In October of this year, the Técnico professor Armando Pombeiro shook hands with the president of the Academia Europaea, Marja Makarow, formalising his election as a member of this prestigious scientific academy. Elected in 2022, he became the first and only Portuguese member in the field of Chemical Sciences, joining two other Técnico professors who are also members of the academy: João Sentieiro and Graça Carvalho.
Membership of the Academy “follows a well-established procedure, is by invitation only and follows a rigorous peer review selection process”, explains Armando Pombeiro. “The international recognition of the scientific work carried out and the honour of appearing alongside important names in science and culture, including colleagues from Técnico who were also recipients of this distinction, is gratifying. The greatest satisfaction is sharing this distinction with those (inside and outside Técnico, in our country and abroad) who still give me the joy and honour of collaborating with me and/or inviting me to collaborate with them,” he adds.
According to the Técnico professor, a future goal will be “promoting relations between the Academia Europaea and the Portuguese institutions that have the greatest affinity with it, namely the Lisbon Academy of Sciences and Técnico”. “Perhaps the annual meeting (Building Bridges) of that international academy could one day be held at our school (this year it was held at the University of Munich),” he points out.
The Academia Europaea “is large and comprehensive” and includes the Humanities, Social Sciences, Exact Sciences and Life Sciences sections. One of the academy’s aims is to propagate excellence in research in these areas for the public benefit and the advancement of the education of the public of all ages. It also aims to promote European research, advise governments and international organisations in scientific matters and promote interdisciplinary and international research.
Armando Pombeiro is also one of the two Portuguese, along with Elvira Fortunato, (FCT Nova) who are both members of this Academy and the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc), the other major European Academy. The 2024 edition of the EurASc Annual Meeting will take place in Lisbon, under the theme “Science for Sustainability”. The organising committee includes Armando Pombeiro and Luís Oliveira e Silva, also a professor at Técnico.