Science and Technology

Técnico researcher wins Young Winemaker Award

Cíntia Moreira, former student of MSc in Chemical Engineering and researcher at CeFEMA, was the author of the work titled "Contributo para o estudo da influência da nanofiltração na razão isotópica 87Sr/86Sr do vinho", awarded by APE.

The research work titled “Contributo para o estudo da influência da nanofiltração na razão isotópica 87Sr/86Sr do vinho”, by Cíntia Moreira, was distinguished with the 2016 Young Winemaker Award, granted by the Portuguese Enology Association (APE).

This work was developed at Técnico (CeFEMA – Center for Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials), in the scope of a master dissertation in Chemical Engineering under the guidance of professors M. Norberta de Pinho (Técnico) and Sofia Catarino (Instituto Superior de Agronomia – School of Agriculture), also involving the National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research (INIAV).

The evaluation criteria included scientific and technical rigour, innovation and originality, as well as practical applicability. The award ceremony took place on December 16, during APE’s Autumn Lectures.