Autonomous, connected, electric, hydrogen-powered and shared vehicles will be part of the future of urban mobility. The conference “Academia meets auto-industry”, organised by Instituto Superior Técnico in partnership with MOBINOV, took place on 16th and 17th May, at Técnico. “All chain partners meet for the first time at this conference”, says António Luís Moreira, president of IN+. This conference will be held next year, and it’s expected the presence of international guests.
“Mobility trends can change in two years” adds António Luís Moreira. “In twenty years, the cars will have parts that we can’t imagine today,” he pointed out, during the conference that brought together more than 200 participants.
“By the end of 2018, MOBINOV had approximately 1,000 companies, mostly SMEs. These companies are responsible for 7.1% of GDP and more than 75,000 jobs. In recent years MOBINOV generated 27% of new jobs. These companies represent more than 20% of tradable goods exports, with growth of 16% in the last 5 years. 98% of MOBINOV turnover is destined to export!” , said Jorge Rosa, president of MOBINOV.
According to the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, João Correia Neves, this conference “is a good example of the capacity for dialogue and networking on universities, companies, interface centres and clusters, which are essential for structuring the future”.
Luís Oliveira e Silva, president of IST Scientific Council, highlighted that “it’s essential to strengthen the link between university and industry”.