The Técnico’s Training and Development (PDF) office announces the training calendar for February 2021. Registrations are open.
- Training session: The TEAMS we have…
Trainer: professor João Nuno Silva (DEEC-IST)
• 11th February, 14:00-15:30
Registration form
- Training session: Development and application of online questionnaires using the Limesurvey platform
Trainer: dr. João Paiva Fernandes (E&P-IST)
• 17th February, 10:00-12:00
Registration form.
- Training session: Flipped Classroom with Técnico Quizzes
Trainer: professor António Rito Silva (DEI-IST)
• 18th February, 17:00- 18:30
Registration form.
- Training session: ExonlineX – Build an online assessment for automatic distribution and correction
Trainers: professor Ana Moura Santos (DM-IST) and professor Alexandra Moutinho (DEM-IST)
• 19th February, 14:00-17:00
Registration form.
- Training session: Education: Lessons learned from the European project “Crithinkedu – Critical Thinking across the European Higher Education Curricula”
Trainers: professor Caroline Dominguez (UTAD) and professor Helena Silva (CIIE-U.Porto)
• 22nd February, 9:30-12:30
Registration form.
- Training session: Assessment of learning – from fundamentals to practice
Trainer: professor Manuel João Costa (IDEA-UMinho)
23rd February, 10:00-12:30
Registration form.
- Training session: How to involve students in Online Education?
Trainer: dr. Isabel Gonçalves (NDA-IST)
• 24th February, 10:00-12:00
Registration form.
- Training session: Using Google Classroom and the GSuite platform for teaching and assessment
Trainer: professor Moisés Pinto (DEQ-IST)
• 25th February, 10:00-12:00
Registration form.
- Training session: Classroom presentations – How to guide students
Trainers: dr. Gonçalo Moura (NDA-IST) and dr. Patrícia Simões (NDA-IST)
• 26th February, 10:00-12:00
Registration form.