
Unite! ULisboa – Applications for ULisses project

Applications are open until March 13, 2022. (extended deadline)

The 2nd edition of the Ulisses project will be organised by Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), in the framework of the European University alliance, UNITE! (University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering).

Oceans without plastic is the topic of this edition.
Development of innovative technological solutions to characterize and mitigate ocean pollution by plastics, ensuring biodiversity and sustainable reuse of these materials in applications with economic value.

  • During three weeks (July 4-22), the participants will be grouped into multidisciplinary teams, and will be challenged to develop innovative solutions contributing to the sustainability of the Oceans.This phase will take in Lisbon.
  • These weeks will be preceded by a preparatory phase (via e-learning), from 21st March to 27th May 2022, compatible with the classes of the second semester, which will last ten weeks.


Applications for the 2021/2022 edition are open until March 13, 2022. (extended deadline)

Students from UNITE! universities will have special conditions, as well as the opportunity to be awarded full scholarships (€600), corresponding to the full programme fee.

More information.


See the presentation video of the ULISSES Project.