Seminário Geometria em Lisboa – Alexandru Oancea
“Duality and coproducts in Rabinowitz-Floer homology” - 17h...
“Duality and coproducts in Rabinowitz-Floer homology” - 17h...
“Fractional PDEs: Control, Numerics, and Applications” - 14h....
“Indicators of quantum chaos and the transition from few- to many-body systems” - 17h...
A EIM 2021 terá lugar de 22 a 26 de fevereiro 2021....
“Causal Inference and Overparameterized Autoencoders in the Light of Drug Repurposing for SARS-CoV-2” - 18h...
“Liquid crystal director fields in three-dimensional non-Euclidean geometries.” - 10h...
“On the asymptotic stability of kinks for (1 + 1)-scalar field models.” - 14h...
Este seminário é simultaneamente um “UL Extremes Webinar”. | “Extremal behaviour and rare events point processes for chaotic dynamical...
“Making ML Models fairer through explanations, feature dropout, and aggregation” - 18h...
“A Smale-Barden manifold admitting K-contact but not Sasakian structure.” - 17h...
“NLS ground states on metric trees: existence results and open questions” - 14h...
“Benchmarking Graph Neural Networks” - 11h...
“Persistence and Triangulation in Lagrangian Topology” - 17h...
O investigador do Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) Sérgio Marcelino venceu, ex aequo, a primeira edição do galardão....
“On relations between K-moduli and symplectic geometry.” - 17h....
“Lattice Geometry Dependence and Independence: Important Applications of a Simple Law” - 17h...
“On the stability of equilibria for infinitely many particles” - 14h...
“Neural Networks and Quantum Field Theory” - 18h...