COVID-19 Projects

Computer game that teaches the importance of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Game Dev Técnico, a student club at Técnico, created a computer game that aims to raise public awareness on new coronavirus prevention – COVIDA, which focuses game dynamics on social distancing and consciousness.

COVID-19 infection risk maps – Portugal
This tool provides COVID-19 infection risk maps for the entire geographical area of Portugal, as well as uncertainty attached to the risk.

Production of hand sanitizer
Researchers at Técnico’s Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ) are producing hand sanitizer for several healthcare services.

COVID-19 test kits
Técnico, Algarve Biomedical Center (ABC) and Hidrofer are jointly producing 100,000 Covid-19 test kits per week, with the support of Logoplaste, the Luso American Development Foundation and Santander Bank.

COVID-19 detection system in wastewater
COVIDETECT research project aims to create an early warning system to anticipate new waves of the new coronavirus at a certain location, through wastewater testing, as well as to understand what the true amount of infection is out in the community, and to detect the reemergence of SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. A tool aiming at the detection, quantification, characterization and modelling of the virus through testing in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) will also be developed.

Production of medical face shields
A research team led by professors Paulo Peças and Marco Leite (Department of Mechanical Engineering – DEM), produced large quantities of 3D printed medical shields in partnership with the companies RapidToll and TJmoldes.

e-Covig: app and wearable to monitor COVID-19 patients
The e-Covig project, led by the Institute for Systems and Robotics / Técnico, includes an app and a wearable device to monitor COVID-19 patients. The app allows to track COVID-19 symptoms and creates automated notifications for healthcare professionals if the problem gets worse.

INTAKE: mobile location data to track the evolution of COVID-19 pandemic in different locations
The project INTAKE – INtegrating mobility daTa into spAtial risK modEls aims to help improve the already existing epidemiological models that allow to predict the transmission risk in each region, by integrating individual mobility data provided by telecommunication operators.

SMOCK: Spatial Modelling for mapping COVID-19 risk
The project “SMOCK- Spatial Modelling for mapping COVID-19 risk” aims to reduce uncertainty associated to the risk model developed by CERENA – Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente / Técnico and make the models available to decision makers, for a more insightful real-time management on the ground.

Sterilization of personal protective equipment
The project “Gamma sterilization and reuse of PPE” provides a safe and ecological solution, using gamma radiation to sterilise Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as face masks, clothing, etc.

SARSChip: a simplified diagnosis of Covid-19
The project “SARSChip- On-chip testing of SARS-CoV” is a portable and universal diagnostic system that aims at using and interpreting COVID-19 test results in a simplified way. The system is being developed in Técnico/ INESC-MN laboratories, allowing molecular diagnosis of the new coronavirus and serological analysis of patients.

“MARÉ”: a platform to help get back to normal after COVID-19
The project “Maré” – Anonymous Mobilization of Return to normality to mitigate the covid-19 epidemic – is a versatile platform for digital tracking of people that can be used to respond to the various problems caused by the pandemic – and not only – and protects the privacy of citizens.

Detection of COVID-19 from coughs and speech
What if it was possible to detect whether someone has COVID-19 or not, just from the sounds of their coughing or talking? This is the main goal of the project “Detecção de COVID-19 a partir de tosse e fala” (“COVID-19 detection from coughs and speech”), developed by a team of researchers from Instituto Superior Técnico and INESC-ID.

DeepPathCOVIDx: Artificial Intelligence for COVID-19 chest X-ray diagnosis
The DeepPathCOVIDx project aims to develop a solution that will assist healthcare professionals in the analysis of chest X-ray images. A multidisciplinary team is developing a solution consisting of AI models for the analysis of chest radiography of patients suspected of having COVID-19, in an emergency context.