Programme Overview

Science and Technology have taken a decisive role in promoting business competitiveness and sustainable and socially responsible economic development. Following the motivation to value technology in these different areas, the Masters in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship aims to train qualified professionals in innovation management, design thinking and development of new products and services, entrepreneurship, technology marketing, and technology policies and sectorial, contributing to the formulation and implementation of innovative business strategies and public policies.

Programme Structure

The 2nd Cycle in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship has a duration of 4 semesters (2 years), equivalent to 120 ECTS. The structure is depicted below.

  • 1st year (ECTS)

    • 48
    • 12
  • 2nd year (ECTS)

    • 12
    • 6
    • 12
    • 30

Programme Structure

  1. Core Structure (60 ECTS)

    The MSc Programme in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Major) develops knowledge both in management and sectorial policies (decision support, economics, strategic, commercial and project management) and in entrepreneurship (innovation management, product development and services, sustainability, marketing).

    This Programme also acquires a multidisciplinary character by complementing training with the Engineering component, which is fundamental for understanding the role played by science, technology and innovation in society and in economic development.

  2. Free options (18 ECTS)

    Part of the curriculum are optional subjects from various areas related to Management, Sustainability, Energy, Information Systems, among others.

    Extra-curricular activities may also be credited, to a maximum of 6 ECTS credit points.

  3. Project (12 ECTS)

    To integrate the knowledge acquired in this Masters, students will study and elaborate a project, individually or in groups, and in an academic or business environment, on a challenge related to Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

  4. Dissertation (30 ECTS)

    The dissertation is the final assignment of the study cycle, which allows students to focus and specialise on a specific subject that may take any of these formats:

    • Scientific thesis
    • Internship at a company
    • Capstone project

Target audience

The Master in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is aimed at recent graduates (1st or 2nd cycle) or professionals with business experience and in the public sector, trained in any field of Science, Engineering, Technology and Health.

The programme is taught in Portuguese however may there be international or mobility students enrolled, the curricular units will be taught in English.

Career Opportunities

Potential employers could be in Health, Information and Communication Technologies, Transport, Energy, Environment, and also in consulting or financial companies (banks, venture capital, and investment companies).

These professionals may also occupy prominent positions in the public sector, including regulatory agencies, entities associated with the promotion of business, scientific and technological development.

They may also assume important positions in the transfer of technology in universities and research units, and in all activities involving the assessment, development and promotion of projects for the commercialization of innovative products and services, as well as in terms of analysis and formulation of sectors and science policies, technology and innovation.

Entry requirements

To apply for a 2nd Cycle at Técnico you should:

  • hold a 1st cycle degree in Science and Technology (except in the case of the 2nd cycle in Architecture, which requires a 1st cycle degree in Architecture);
  • hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that certifies their ability to do the MSc programme which they apply for.

Candidates are selected according to these criteria:

  • affinity between the degree they hold and the programme they apply for;
  • type of degree they hold;
  • academic success in the programme they attended.

Note: if requested, we may appreciate the academic, scientific or professional curriculum and the candidate’s performance during the interview.

Students' Organizations

Students' Club (SEntInnov)

Técnico students autonomously and proactively stimulate projects that complement their academic background. Students’ Clubs provide them with skills and added value making them more competitive in the labour market.

The Engineering Students’ Club in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management (SEntInnov) is the main student structure of the course and promotes activities such as:

  • Challenges in partnership with companies (case-studies)
  • Events with alumni (Alumni Day)
  • Workshops on soft-skills
  • Recreational and team-building activities.