Programme Overview
Ionizing radiation has applications in various sectors such as Health, Industry, Environment, Research, Services, Security and Energy, in which aspects of Radiological Protection cannot be neglected. Radiation Protection and Safety Master Programme addresses a set of multidisciplinary topics, at the forefront of knowledge and transversal to several scientific and technological domains, in order to train professionals capable of meeting the needs of Education and Training involved in the use of ionizing radiation, either in companies, hospitals, research centers or regulatory bodies in the various industries mentioned.
Programme Structure
The 2nd cycle in Radiation Protection and Safety has a duration of 4 semesters (2 years), equivalent to 120 ECTS. The structure is depicted below.
1st year (ECTS)
2nd year (ECTS)
The curricula of the 1st and 2nd Cycle were reformed in the 2021/2022 academic year, following Decree-Law 65/2018 and the implementation of a new teaching model and pedagogical practices (former programme structure).
Core Structure (63 ECTS credit points ECTS)
The MSc Programme in Radiation Protection and Safety Master Programme (Major) deepens knowledge in topics such as Radiation Detection, Ionizing Radiation, Radioactivity, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Biological Effects of Radiation, Regulation of Radiological Safety, among others.
The syllabus offers training in a wide range of scientific, technological, technical, socio-economic, ethical, legal, legal, regulatory and legislative topics in Radiological Safety and Protection.
Free options (21 ECTS credit points ECTS)
Part of the curriculum is of fully free choice, i.e., students may choose subjects not only in Radiation Protection and Safety, but also in any other scientific field offered by Técnico.
This component offers the possibility to take a Minor – a number of multidisciplinary modules – which corresponds to 18 ECTS credits. The offer cuts across all programmes taught at Técnico.
Extra-curricular activities may also be credited, to a maximum of 6 ECTS credit points.
Project (6 ECTS)
To integrate the knowledge acquired in this Master Programme, students are proposed to study, develop and implement various techniques related to radiological safety in a hospital or clinical context.
Dissertation (30 ECTS)
The dissertation is the final work of this study cycle, allowing the student to focus on and specialise in a specific subject, in a hospital, industrial or research environment.
Target Audience
MSc programme in Radiation Protection and Safety is intended for graduates in Physics, Physical Engineering, Biological Sciences (Biology, Biochemistry), Biomedical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine or Radiotherapy (Bachelors in Health Technology Schools), or related scientific areas.
The programme is taught in Portuguese however may there be international or mobility students enrolled, the curricular units will be taught in English.
Career Opportunities
Técnico MSc graduates in Radiological Protection and Safety are qualified to perform activities in institutions and companies in the sectors of Health, Industry, Environment, Energy, Safety, Regulation and Research as:
- Calculation, assessment and measurement of doses to professionals, patients and users, members of the public and the environment, arising from the use of ionizing radiation and radiological practices;
- Provision of services (dosimetry, shielding calculations, radioactive waste management, determination of radioactivity in food, water and other consumer goods, etc.) to hospitals and companies;
- Advice and consulting on topics associated to the use of ionizing radiation beams and sources, radioactive materials, etc;
- Evaluation of technologies involving ionizing radiation;
- Research and development, in Radiological Protection, Dosimetry, Radiobiology, Radioactive Waste, Radioecology, Environmental Radioactivity;
- Epidemiological studies in populations exposed to ionizing radiation in medical and environmental exposures (radon, NORM, others);
- Radiological inspection;
- Regulatory activities (Ionizing Radiation Regulatory Authority, competent authorities);
- Communication of the radiological risk arising from radiological practices and use of ionizing radiation;
- Outreach and dissemination.
In some of these activities, further training and recognition of specific competences may be required by the regulatory authorities and/or competent authorities.
Entry requirements
To apply for a 2nd Cycle at Técnico you should:
- hold a 1st cycle degree in Science and Technology (except in the case of the 2nd cycle in Architecture, which requires a 1st cycle degree in Architecture);
- hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that certifies their ability to do the MSc programme which they apply for.
Candidates are selected according to these criteria:
- affinity between the degree they hold and the programme they apply for;
- type of degree they hold;
- academic success in the programme they attended.
Note: if requested, we may appreciate the academic, scientific or professional curriculum and the candidate’s performance during the interview.
Student Organisations
Técnico students autonomously and proactively stimulate projects that complement their academic background. For example, the Students’ Organisations provide them with skills and added value, making them more competitive in the labour market.