Undergraduate Programmes (1st Cycle)

Técnico offers a wide range of 1st Cycle degrees based with a basic training in Fundamental Sciences such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computation, Biology and Engineering Sciences.The curricula of our degrees has a set of specific courses and also training in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, offered in various faculties of the University of Lisbon, which prepare the graduate to pursue studies in a master’s programme.

To know more about the courses, day-to-day life at Técnico and applications:

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Courses List:

Course Campus URL
Aerospace Engineering Alameda
Environmental Engineering Alameda
Biological Engineering Alameda
Biomedical Engineering Alameda
Civil Engineering Alameda
Electronics Engineering Taguspark
Electrical and Computer Engineering Alameda
Engineering Physics Alameda
Industrial Engineering and Management Taguspark
Computer Science and Engineering Alameda | Taguspark
Materials Engineering Alameda
Mechanical Engineering Alameda
Engineering in Mining and Energy Resources Alameda
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Alameda
Chemical Engineering Alameda
Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering Taguspark
General Engineering Alameda
Applied Mathematics and Computation Alameda