Secil will launch a new edition of Secil Universities Awards with the support of Ordem dos Arquitetos (OA) and Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE). This award aims to encourage the quality of work of Architecture and Civil Engineering students and to promote their public recognition.
Up to 6 awards will be delivered in the category “Architecture” (up to 3 regarding the 2015/2016 academic year and up to 3 regarding the 2016/2017 academic year) and up to 5 awards will be delivered in the category “Civil Engineering” (academic years: 2015/2016, 2016/2017 and 2017/2018). Each award will be composed of a diploma, to be delivered in a public ceremony, and a monetary award of EUR 5,000.
Award Regulations:
• 15th Secil Universities Awards – Architecture,
• 15th Secil Universities Awards – Civil Engineering.
Applications must be delivered to DECivil secretariat until 9th July 2018, until 4 p.m.
For further information please contact:
Paula Marques
Tel. 218 418 438
DECivil Secretariat
Civil Engineering building, floor 2 – room 4.38