
BrainStorms@Técnico: Accessibility in Technology. New opportunities for inclusion

Via Zoom

The participation is free of charge. Registration is required.

The Técnico Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion invites the IST Community to participate in the next BrainStorms event, on 27th October.

The BrainStorms project consists of a cycle of online talks, every month, with mental health professionals and invited colleagues. Each session has a specific topic and an invited speaker, who will discuss and present solutions related to the topic. Throughout the talk, there is space for participation in a Q&A session after the lecture.

  • 27th October, 2021, 6 p.m. – Online (via Zoom). – the lecture will be held in English
  • Speakers: professor Hugo Nicolau (IST/DEI; ITI/LARSyS) and PhD students Isabel Netoand Filipa Rocha.
  • Title: “Accessibility in Technology: New opportunities for inclusion
  • Abstract
    The world was built by and for neurotypical and able-bodied people, but we are increasingly more capable of bringing accessibility to people that need it. In this, technology has a big part to play and it leads innovation in this field. The three invited speakers will talk more about this matter, who will present projects they are developing in this context.
  • Registration.| The participation is free of charge. Registration is required.

More information:

Follow the Técnico Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion YouTube channel for past events.