
BrainStorms@Técnico: “No man is an island”


Is loneliness bad for our health? Why do we sometimes feel disconnected from others, even when we interact?

In the BrainStorms session “No person is an island: social isolation and communication strategies”, to be held online on February 23, at 6 p.m., participants will have the opportunity to learn about some tools to feel more connected when communicating with others. The guest speaker of this session is Cláudia Soeiro, a mindful/nonviolent communication mentor, who will talk about the impact of social isolation on mental health.

BrainStorms is an initiative promoted by the Técnico Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion, in collaboration with the Academic Development Office (NDA), which consists of monthly online conversation series, with mental health and inclusion professionals, and members of Técnico community. Each session has a specific topic and an invited expert in the area, who discusses and exposes solutions linked to the problem in question. At the end, the participants can ask questions and interact with the speaker in a virtual Q&A session.


The past sessions are available on the Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion YouTube channel.