
Mindfulness@Técnico: Open Sessions

Advanced Training Room at the Department of Physics (Alameda Campus)

Every two weeks, at 6 p.m., in the Advanced Training Room at the Department of Physics (Alameda Campus)

Upcoming session: 21stJune 2023
Hour: 6 p.m.
Venue: Advanced Training Room at the Department of Physics (Alameda Campus)
More information: Instagram I Facebook I Twitter

«The Mindfulness sessions organised by the Técnico Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion, in collaboration with Técnico Students’ Union (AEIST), are still going on at Técnico.

Each session lasts about 40 minutes and is guided by Cricha Carvalho, a member of the Wild Flower Zen Sangha Association and its Portuguese counterpart. In these sessions it is possible to take a break during the day and reconnect with primary sensations such as breathing.

A Facebook group has been created for sharing events (in person or online) and information about the Mindfulness sessions at Técnico.

Mindfulness is a practice that, when done on a regular basis, can help us to deal in a less reactive way with the less positive emotions and circumstances that come with everyday life.»