
Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar- André David Mendes

Zoom video conference

“How we discovered the Higgs ahead of schedule ML's role in unveiling the keystone of elementary particle physics”, 17:00

The next Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning seminar will take place on 21st May 2020, from 17:00 to 18:00, via Zoom.

• Speaker: professor André David Mendes (EP/CMX – CERN, Geneva & IST)
• Title: “How we discovered the Higgs ahead of schedule ML’s role in unveiling the keystone of elementary particle physics”
More information. | • Registrations.

These seminars will bring together mathematicians and physicists interested in machine learning (ML) with ML and AI experts interested in mathematics and physics, aiming to introduce innovative Mathematics and Physics-inspired techniques in Machine Learning and, reciprocally, applying Machine Learning to problems in Mathematics and Physics.