
Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar – Marcelo Pereyra

Zoom video conference

“Efficient Bayesian computation by proximal Markov chain Monte Carlo: when Langevin meets Moreau”, 17:30

Another Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning seminar will take place on 11th June 2020, at 17:30, via Zoom.

• Speaker: professor Marcelo Pereyra (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK)
• Title: “Efficient Bayesian computation by proximal Markov chain Monte Carlo: when Langevin meets Moreau”
More information.

These seminars will bring together mathematicians and physicists interested in machine learning (ML) with ML and AI experts interested in mathematics and physics, aiming to introduce innovative Mathematics and Physics-inspired techniques in Machine Learning and, reciprocally, applying Machine Learning to problems in Mathematics and Physics.

Attendance is free (prior registration is required). In order to get the Zoom password, please subscribe the announcements in the registration menu, or contact one of the organisers.