
Symposium “Interpolation and Approximation in Several Variables”

Técnico - Alameda campus

The Mathematics symposium “Interpolation and Approximation in Several Variables” by professor Charles Fefferman (Princeton University) will take place on January 30, at 5 p.m., in Abreu Faro amphitheatre.

Born in 1949, he got his PhD in mathematics in 1969 at Princeton University under the supervision of Elias Stein. In 1917 he became full professor at the University of Chicago, being the youngest full professor in the US. In 1973 he returned to Princeton University where he has remained ever since.

Charles Fefferman’s primary field of research is mathematical analysis, where he made important and fundamental contributions to Fourier analysis. He also published an important work on physics-mathematics, conformal geometry and fluid mechanics.

Fefferman is one of the most talented mathematicians of all times and has been awarded some of the most prestigious prizes in the fields of Mathematics and Science: Fields Medal (1978), Wolf Prize (2017), Alan T. Waterman Award (1976), Salem Prize (1971), Bergman Prize (1992), Bôcher Prize (2008), American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1972), National Academy of Sciences (1979), among many others.
