
ULisboa-RedeMOV conference: EIT – eUltimate

Rectory of the Universidade de Lisboa

The conference “The energy transition in public transport: lessons learned in the eUltimate project” will take place within the scope of the Conference Series “Conversas à 6.ª”, organised by RedeMOV – Universidade de Lisboa.

• Date: May 27, 2022
• Hour: 17:00
• Venue: ULisboa Rectory Conference Room.
Event registration.

eUltimate is a project developed by redeMOV, funded by EIT Urban Mobility.

Joana Cunha (Technical PhD student/MIT) and Vasco Reis (PhD, Técnico/CERIS) will attend the conference.

Programme and more information. (only in Portuguese)

RedeMOV is the interdisciplinary thematic network at ULisboa on Smart Urban Mobility, which directly involves citizens and includes several professors and researchers from Técnico. RedeMOV is co-coordinated by professor Rosário Macário (IST/DECivil; CERIS).