Campus and Community

Africa Fashion Show at Técnico

The second edition of Africa Fashion Show took place at Instituto Superior Técnico, in the Main Building.

The 2017 edition of Africa Fashion Show brought together, for the second consecutive time, several African fashion designers.

The Africa Fashion Show – “Semana da Moda Ét(n)ica”- promoted by Associação Moda Africana, aims to disseminate African fashion, taking into account sustainability and ethics.

The most represented country in this fashion show, which welcomed 14 fashion designers, was Angola: Rogue Wave, Sandra Bravo da Rosa Luis/Joan Auguni, Irina Diniz Ferreira/Ikilomba and Lubetina Makunge. The other fashion designers who participated in this event were Omar Adelino from Mozambique, Braima Sori Ba, Lausiana Santos and Alfa Umaro Cante from Guinea, Adama Paris from Democratic Republic of Congo, José Hendo from Uganda (United Kingdom), Liz Ogumbo from Kenya, Mathilde Me-We from Côte d’Ivoire (France), Nikola Conradie from Namibia and Osuare from Nigeria.