Campus and Community

Capgemini joined Técnico Partner Network

Capgemini becomes the 16th company to join Técnico Partner Network.

Capgemini joined Técnico Partner Network this Friday. The President of Técnico, professor Arlindo Oliveira, and the CEO of Capgemini Portugal, Cristina Rodrigues, attended the signing ceremony. “I would like to thank Capgemini for this closer relationship. Capgemini has been collaborating with our school for some time. I believe that this protocol will be fruitful for both parties”, said the president of Técnico.

Cristina Rodrigues made a brief presentation of the company that has 600 employers in Portugal and several research centres around the world, and stressed “we are very proud to be part of Técnico Partner Network because Capgemini Portugal employs many Técnico alumni”. “This collaboration aims to promote synergies between two large organisations”, she added.

Capgemini is a multinational company of over 200,000 team members in more than 40 countries. It is a global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation.